FAST Grants - Computing, Math, and Science Skip to main content

FAST Grants

Faculty-Student Collaboration Grants are intended to foster a mentoring environment that will provide experiential learning opportunities for multiple undergraduate students.

The following aspects of a proposed project are particularly valued:

  • Significant and potentially innovative interaction between faculty mentors and students
  • Involvement of graduate students that provides additional mentoring
  • Potential that project will lead to significant external funding (>$10K)
  • Fostering a culture of teamwork in the research group
  • Mentoring by more than one faculty member, particularly across disciplines
  • Opportunities and specific plans for students to travel, present at significant venues, and meet with external collaborators

Proposal Guidelines

  • 3 pages (or less) main description and references, 1 page (or less) budget description, 1 cover page with project title, names of faculty members involved, department of faculty members
  • Proposals should be written at a level that they can be reviewed by any faculty member in the college.

Budget Guidelines

  • Student wages, supplies, minor equipment, computer time and services, student travel are all acceptable uses of grant funds. Graduate student assistantships and faculty salary are not allowed.
  • Student wages are limited to those that have a major in the college.
  • If a FAST grant is selected for funding, the monies will not be transferred until previous MEG or FAST funds, if any, are spent.
  • There is no limit on the amount that can be requested. Limited funds for FAST grants will require that higher budget proposals must have a concomitant larger impact than the smaller proposals they will displace.
  • Faculty mentors that have significant external funding do not need to request student wages. (They qualify for URA funding from the college already.)

FAST proposals are due by the close of business day, Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Email your proposals as a PDF file to Karin Mallard.

Use “FAST Grant: [PI name, Dept]” in the subject line.